Year 9 Options
The curriculum at Key Stage 4 consists of a mixture of compulsory subjects and additional subjects that make up the academic curriculum. Your child will continue to develop their whole self through a continuation of the inner curriculum that is unique to Aureus School. Alongside their compulsory subjects, students will be able to choose additional subjects according to their strengths and interests. They will be guided through their choices by subject teachers, coaches and other staff to ensure that their choices are appropriate.
We want to offer as much individual choice as we can, so that students can follow courses they need for their future career paths and according to their interests. However, there are also certain constraints and requirements that govern students’ choices.
We urge that all students opt for a broad and balanced curriculum. Whilst all GCSEs have equal status, they do stress different skills and ways of learning. When making choices students must balance their skills and learning styles in order to keep options open for later life, such as choosing college or A level courses.