Attendance & Absence
Regular attendance is extremely important, and we do ask that students keep their attendance above 95% to ensure they do not miss out on vital learning. We do however understand that there may be occasions where students are ill or have appointments they need to attend during the school day. All student absences should be notified via the dedicated school absence email address, whether it is sickness or a scheduled appointment during the school day.
Timings of the Day:
- Our school day starts at 8.25am. We expect all students to arrive at the school by 8.20am and to be in their coaching room for 8.25am. Please ensure your child is in the school for a prompt start to the day.
- Student is too ill to attend daily updates will be required (Medical evidence can also be requested)
- Student has a medical appointment that can only be made in school time – Appointment email/text to be sent to Attendance Officer:
- To discuss any other issues or concerns please contact your child’s coach who will support you and your child.
Guidance for Parents/Carers:
- Reinforce our expectations regarding full attendance and excellent punctuality with your son/daughter;
- Support staff when we take action over punctuality or truancy;
- Inform us of any change in contact details immediately;
- Contact the school to inform us of an absence, by 8.25am;
- Attend meetings to discuss your child’s attendance and punctuality, as requested;
- Ensure that your child completes any work that has been sent home or that he/she catches up with any work that they have missed.
Attendance guide - Parents and Carers
Contacting Us:
To report any absence, inform us of any future absence or advise us of changes to contact details, contact the school and ask to speak to our Attendance Officer who will take the necessary details. Alternatively, you can email directly on or phone the school office on: 01235 313713