Headteacher's Weekly Update
Dear Families,
It’s hard to believe only one week has passed since half term because the school has been filled with so many activities
Our Year 11 students have nearly completed their final week of mock exams, and they have been nothing short of exemplary. Their attitude, focus, and determination have been inspiring – a testament to how far we’ve come as a school community. What stands out most is how seriously they are taking these exams, not just as a practice run, but as a real opportunity to learn and improve. Many of them have sought advice on how they can continue to make progress, showing a real sense of responsibility for their own success.
This week, I spoke to staff about the difference between hope and optimism. Hope is a feeling – a wish for something to happen. Optimism, however, is the belief that through our own actions, we can positively influence the outcome. When we adopt an optimistic mindset, we empower ourselves to make a difference – and that’s exactly what we are instilling in our students every day.
Our staff continue to go above and beyond to provide students with incredible opportunities beyond the classroom. This week alone, we’ve seen a fantastic football trip to Wembley, an inspiring singing competition, and a powerful performance about the Holocaust. These experiences enrich our students’ education, and I feel so proud to work alongside such a dedicated team who make them possible.
Thank you, as always, for your ongoing support. Here’s to another exciting week ahead!
Kirsty Rogers