Headteacher's Weekly Update
Dear Families,
What a fantastic week it has been here at Aureus! One of the most rewarding aspects of my role as Headteacher is visiting lessons and engaging with our students. This week, I’ve had the privilege of meeting with our Head Prefects to discuss some exciting upcoming events, including preparations for the Prom and the much-anticipated Leavers’ Hoodies.
A highlight of the week was the Year 11 group photo. This moment marked the beginning of the end of their journey with us, and it was a poignant reminder of how far they have come. They looked incredibly smart and made us all proud.
In Film Studies, students have been hard at work on their coursework, and I’ve been amazed by the creativity and skill on display. Although, I must admit, the horror theme they are working on is a little scary for me.
Meanwhile, Year 7 had the pleasure of welcoming author Larry Hayes, who inspired them to engage their imaginations by creating a monster for his next book. I can’t wait to see their incredible ideas come to life.
Sporting fixtures have been in full swing again this week. I had the chance to speak with some of our students as they headed off for a golf session at the driving range. They were buzzing with excitement, and their current mission seems to be scoring higher than Mr. Hayden—a challenge they are all enthusiastically taking on!
Towards the end of the week, we hosted our Year 9 Options Evening. It was wonderful to see so many families coming together to support their children as they make these important decisions about their Key Stage 4 subjects. We are here to guide them every step of the way in the coming weeks.
Thank you, as always, for your continued support. It’s an honor to share these memorable moments with our students, staff, and families.
Wishing you a restful weekend.
Kind regards,
Kirsty Rogers